About FES Connect

Connecting people, in the spirit of social democracy, we source and share content in English from the German and international network of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Newsletter archive

We are going to take a creative pause

After four years and 45 issues of FES Connect, we are going to take a creative pause. We’d like to thank you, our readers and contributors. You turned a simple newsletter into a lively community and online portal sharing progressive approaches to global challenges. But it is time to take a step back and develop new and exciting things for you.

Follow @FESnewsbrief on Twitter to stay in touch and receive updates on where this journey is taking us next year.

Your FES Connect Team

03.11.2020 | Popular Posts, Trending

The respective hydrogen strategies of Germany and the European Union are set to solve the question how to decarbonize the industrial sector. Hydrogen can be a clean energy source when produced by electrolysis from renewable sources. This green…


02.11.2020 | People, Popular Posts

For the shift from fossil fuels towards renewable energies to be genuinely sustainable on both the environmental and social levels, it needs to be just, to leave no one behind during the process.


29.09.2020 | People, Popular Posts

The inclusivity of Brazilian society is put to the test as the coronavirus pandemic highlights a labour sector ripe with historical and structural inequality: domestic work.


03.11.2020 | Popular Posts, Trending

The respective hydrogen strategies of Germany and the European Union are…


02.11.2020 | Trending

"Capitalism is at a dead end", according to French Minister of Finance…


01.11.2020 | Trending

As humanity battles the coronavirus pandemic, the fight against climate…

02.11.2020 | People, Popular Posts

For the shift from fossil fuels towards renewable energies to be genuinely…


29.09.2020 | People, Popular Posts

The inclusivity of Brazilian society is put to the test as the coronavirus…


28.09.2020 | People

We need planetary thinking and international cooperation to solve pressing…

03.11.2020 | Reading Picks

The power of progressive actors and citizens combined can offset the…


28.09.2020 | Reading Picks

FES Budapest assesses the impact of COVID-19 on the already beleaguered…


03.03.2020 | Reading Picks

Farah Daibes expertly summarizes a study that dives deep into the origins…

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